the P.R. Skate, LLC |
"Moving Pallet Rack in the 21st Century" |
Remodeling? We can help you save money!!! Are you thinking about remodeling your warehouse, D.C., or retail store? Moving pallet rack alone can be cumbersome and time consuming. Moving the product can be disruptive to production and/or sales. The whole process can take days or even weeks. Fine-tuning after the remodel can go on for months, looking for items lost in the process.
Now there is a better way. When using our Pallet Rack Moving System you move both your product and rack at the same time. Saving you time, aggravation and ultimately money.
Look at the following comparison: Assumptions:
Comparison #1 - 100 bays of pallet rack. Product is hand stocked. |
Traditional Move: | PR Skate Move: | |||||||||||||||||||
Move 100 bays of pallet rack and product a day with 10 people. We have the secret. Ask us how. |
- Unstock and restock product - | $35,000.00 | - Move rack and product w/ skates - | $10,800.00 | ||||||||||||||||
- Demo and rebuild pallet rack - | $12,000.00 | - Unstock, demo, rebuild, restock - | $0.00 | |||||||||||||||||
- Equipment - | $1,500.00 | - Equipment - | $0.00 | |||||||||||||||||
- Approx. cost (not including down-time) - | $48,500.00 | - Approx. cost (not including down-time)- | $10,800.00 | |||||||||||||||||
Savings - $37,400.00 & up to 2/3rds of the time. Facility down-time was not used in the above calculations. |
Comparison #2 - 100 bays of pallet rack. Product is pallet driven. |
Traditional Move: | PR Skate Move: | |||||||||||||||||||
- Unstock and restock product - | $1850.00 | - Move rack and product w/ skates - | $10,800.00 | |||||||||||||||||
- Demo and rebuild pallet rack - | $12,000.00 | - Unstock, demo, rebuild, restock - | $0.00 | |||||||||||||||||
- Equipment - | $3,500.00 | - Equipment - | $0.00 | |||||||||||||||||
- Approx. cost (not including down-time) - | $17,350.00 | - Approx. cost (not including down-time)- | $10,800.00 | |||||||||||||||||
Savings -$6,550.00 & up to 2/3rds of the time. Facility down-time was not used in the above calculations. |
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